
Fully utilizing the project outcomes and profiting most from the investment made on the project is tightly woven to appropriate dissemination strategies. To this end, the following pillars will form the overall consortium strategy:

  • Raising the public awareness about the project, goals and results through news, project websites, social media etc.
  • Aiming the target groups, i.e. HEIs, industries, private sector and other related stakeholders, which can be benefited for the modern IoT training, informing and inviting them to the project public workshops and events.
  • Informing and involving the Iranian ministries and other relevant organizations who have key roles in multiplying the project outcomes and boots its exploitation.
  • Properly defining and managing the Intellectual Property Rights to allow easy access to the project outcomes and training materials.
  • Presenting the project, goals and outcomes in scientific and business events such as conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc.


In the frame of the description of this WP and its associated risks the following tasks are identified:

  1. Kick-off meeting of the project at USI in Siegen-Germany at M01.
  2. Preparing the draft version of the Project Management Handbook before the kick-off meeting and discussing it with all other partners in the kick-off meeting.
  3. Setting up the project Communication and Collaboration Platform as well as the project webpage and online portal in M01 and continuously updating it during the runtime of the project.
  4. Annual Project Monitoring Report
  5. Annual Financial Monitoring Report
  6. Final Project Report